
Affirmation #8 — I’m a survivor


It says:


I’m a survivor

I don’t won’t give up

I will survive

Keep on surviving

I am strong enough to handle this

Life is still worth living even when there’s pain

I am going through a rough time, and I will make it through

I will get back up again

Not giving up today

I know that I’m really really really gonna be okay


Credits/citations: The first four lines are from the song “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child. Those aren’t quite the lyrics because I misheard them, but I like them. “Life is still worth living even when there’s pain” is a line from the radical acceptance part of my DBT handbook, DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, second edition, by Marsha M. Linehan. The last three lines are from different parts of the the song “Get Back Up Again” from the movie “Trolls.”  


Affirmation #6 — Something is better than nothing

Something is better than nothing 🙂

You may have guessed that this is something important to me from the fact that it’s the name of my blog. 🙂 I’ve actually had this sticky note longer than I’ve had this blog. I wrote about what “Something over Nothing” means to me here a while ago.

Affirmations, Coping Skills, Positives

An affirmation — Resilience

I’ve been writing things on sticky notes or scraps of paper and posting them around my room for a while now. Sometimes when I pull myself out of a bad place, there’s some nugget — thought, belief, or quote — that helped me out of the darkness, and I jot it down so that I’ll remember it in the future. I’ve amassed a nice collection and would like to share them.

Here is one (fyi, with a swear word):

“I am so fucking RESILIENT.”

This has been inspiring me and giving me hope and confidence recently. I have been met with lots of challenges, but I have survived all of them.

I like It’s Okay Not to Be Okay‘s daily motivation quotes and would like to do something similar, so I will schedule these to be posted once a day for the next two weeks. Yay 🙂 I’m trying something new here in my blogging!

DBT connection: This is like the E in the “IMPROVE the moment” skill: Encouragement.